Sponsor Information
Support the tRB
The William H. Taft Raider Band is a year-round extracurricular activity with over 190 students. We are supported by the Taft Band Boosters, Chaperones, and Roadies who volunteer their own time to assist the band program. Each year, we attend 4-5 marching contests around Texas, 10 football games, and host many events for our community. The program instills a great sense of leadership, responsibility, professionalism, creativity, musicality, and camaraderie to all students involved. The Taft Raider Band is widely known and is highly respected in the community and in the school.
Any financial support goes straight back to the students and the school, including instrument purchases and repairs, new uniforms, uniform cleanings, clinicians, transportation, contest fees, show design, food, and much more.
The Taft Raider Band and TRB Band Boosters are thankful to our generous sponsors who support us throughout the school year.
If you would like to sponsor our band program or want more information on how to become a sponsor, please email us at: sponsorship@taftraiderband.org
The Taft Raider Band Boosters are a 501c3 organization and all portions of your donation are tax deductible.